
4 movies

We flew home just recently,
traveling is so fun 
but man... its just good to be home
not live out of a suitcase
be able to sleep in my own bed

We were traveling for 24 hours
and our first flight was 10 hours
sleeping on a plane is miserable
and we had our own personal movie screens
on the seat in front of us
so Spencer and I both watched
4 movies
on our flight back

They were all SOO good.
i highly recommend them.
I saw:
Country Strong
{not a country person at all,
but it may have converted me a bit}

The Adjustment Bureau

{Liam Neeson from "Taken" is the main character}


 The Lincoln Lawyer

Has anyone seen any good movies yet?


Also our first day back was my little sisters
last day here in the States.
i only got to see her for a few hours!
She is headed on her study abroad
she is going for 6 weeks
2 weeks in each place
she is going to:
New Zealand
{jealous because Fiji is where Spencer served his mission,
and i want to see it so bad}
She will be backpacking the whole time!
I am gonna miss the little rat
But i am so excited for her!

♥ ♥ ♥ 

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